To make strategic goals a reality, your key stakeholders need to know what they need to do, why they are doing it, and how to get it done.

Individual Contributors

Contributors get a clear picture of the activities they need to focus on and the content they need to accomplish those activities…even in a constantly changing environment.


Work better together with workflows that cross team and enterprise boundaries.

Partners & Customers

Partners become part of your team with just the visibility and access they need, and customers know the onboarding steps that have been taken and what they need to do next.


Leaders get visibility so they can drive accountability and make continuous improvement.

How do we do it? Guided Journey®.

Q2E uses Guided Journey® to orchestrate and digitize processes and steer you to your outcome as efficiently as possible.

Patented Gamification

We incorporate our patented gamification technology to engage users both intellectually and emotionally.


Guided Journey® is custom-tailored for each person, role and desired outcome, and dynamically adapts as decisions are made. We can also custom-tailor any Guided Journey® template to your unique needs.

What our Customers are Saying

Companies Benefiting From Q2E